Hyderabad’s Fine Digital Prints goes beyond CMYK with RICOH PRO C7200X

Mr Jc Krishna Reddy Panyala with RICOH Pro C7200X
New Delhi, January 16, 2023: Monotech Systems, a leading machine manufacturer and one-stop solution provider for the printing and packaging industry has installed a new RICOH Pro C7200X Digital Production Press at Fine Digital Prints, an all-time rushing touchdown commercial printing corner in Hyderabad, Telangana. Mr JC Krishna Reddy Panyala, the Managing Partner of Fine Digital Prints, emphasises the fact that the adoption of the new RICOH digital press has empowered them to leap into innovative graphics with a new colour gamut beyond CMYK.
Since its inception in the year 2008, Fine Digital Prints has been one of the popular commercial printing corners engaging in the production of high-end commercial graphic prints as well as stunning graphic designing jobs. “We work for a huge population of customers who are from varied market segments, diverse walks of life, and different cities and towns of India,” mentions Mr, Reddy, adding, “Though we are based in Hyderabad, almost 90 per cent of our customers are from the neighbouring and far-flung cities and towns.”
There are many reasons why Fine Digital Prints has become a hugely popular commercial printing corner that pulls the attention of customers from all over India. One main reason is the company’s production setup which keeps upgrading from time to time with the installations of new and ultra-modern machines with RICOH Pro C7200X being the latest addition to the portfolio. Mr, Reddy says the new RICOH digital press from Monotech Systems is indeed a ‘workhorse’ with which they are now galloping to discover the innovative range of new applications and colours beyond CMYK.
He adds, “We have been working for several big corporate brands, which I don’t want to name them all right here, from every nook and corner of the country. Our customers are very highly ‘quality conscious’ people who come to us for out-of-the-box graphic ideas and applications. To meet their demands and expectations, we need to get equipped with high-end machines like RICOH Pro C7200X, which has advanced features that do not have in any other digital press in its class.”
Apart from the RICOH Pro C7200X, the production facility of Fine Digital Prints is equipped with other digital presses such as Xerox Versant 180 and Xerox B9100, backed by a strong team of 12 well-trained printing and graphic designing professionals. “Unlike the other digital presses we have used so far, our new RICOH Pro C7200X has the versatility to explore a new colour gamut comprising ‘white ink’ and use of a range of unconventional printing media like Tyvek and others,” tells Mr Reddy.
RICOH Pro C7200X can take up media up to 360 gsm and it can run at speeds up to 85 ppm (pages per minute) in banner sheet duplex printing mode. “Other than the usual applications, we are now planning to change the game of commercial printing to another level using the 5th Color Station of our newly adopted RICOH Pro C7200X. We have set a target of six months down the line to utilise the prowess of this RICOH digital press to explore all new possibilities of innovative applications,” says Mr Reddy.
Mr Reddy informs that throughout Fine Digital Prints’ journey till date, they have established a firm foothold in the commercial printing arena with a vast customer base. “We are proud to be able to maintain a vast pan-India customer base, which continues to expand day by day,” he says, adding that the role Monotech Systems plays by providing the highly versatile and advanced RICOH Pro C7200X digital press is vital to enhance the company’s overall production prowess and creativity to impress and attract customers from all over India.